Providing an Incorrect EIN:
The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique 9-digit identifier assigned to business entities, enabling the IRS to easily recognize your business. Providing an incorrect EIN can result in your business being mistaken for another, as the randomly entered digits might belong to another company. This mix-up can lead to filing errors and delays in processing your return.
Mismatching Name and Quarter with Form 720:
Ensure that the business name and filing quarter on Form 6627 match exactly with the information provided on Form 720, the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return. Any discrepancy between these forms could result in filing rejection, causing further delays.
Entering Incorrect Quantities:
Quantities reported on Form 6627 determine your tax liability. Entering an inflated quantity results in overpayment, while underreporting can lead to penalties for inaccurately filed returns. Always double-check that quantities match the correct taxable amount, ensuring consistency with the units required—such as barrels, tons, or pounds.
Miscalculating the Tax Amount:
If filing Form 6627 manually, input the quantity in Column A and multiply it by the tax rate in Column B to obtain the total tax in Column C. Any miscalculation here affects the final tax amount required, potentially leading to underpayment or overpayment. Online filing generally automates this calculation, reducing errors.
Ensuring Proper IRS Numbers Match:
Since Form 6627 is always filed along with Form 720, the IRS numbers on both forms must match exactly. Discrepancies here can lead to filing rejection, requiring resubmission and potentially incurring penalties.
Identifying the Correct Section:
Form 6627 contains six parts, each corresponding to a specific tax category. It’s essential to select the correct section for your product type, whether it falls under ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs), petroleum products, or imported chemical substances. Refer to our detailed guide on Form 6627 instructions simplified to ensure accurate section selection.
By avoiding these common mistakes when filing Form 6627, you can prevent unnecessary penalties and ensure your filing process is completed smoothly and successfully.
After reading this blog, you’ll gain insight into the importance of correcting common mistakes when filing Form 6627, ensuring a smooth, one-time successful filing process. Enjoy a hassle-free filing experience with our IRS-approved online portal,